Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sandstorm Blast in Iran and Qatar

Iran and Qatar have been facing an unusually bad bought of sandstorms in the last few days. Doha news reported that a wind coming from the southeast has reduced visibility to 2-3 km. This wind came up from the Persian Gulf, and is known as a Quas wind. It is very common in the months between December and April in this area. It begins as a dry wind and becomes more moisture laden as it moves up the expanse of the Persian Gulf causing thunderstorms shortly after it reaches land.

These sandstorms are not only hazardous for people in the area, but have also put a huge damper on the Tour of Qatar cycle race. Inhaling the dust is very bad for a person's health and can cause extreme dehydration. Since the sandstorms began several days ago, more than 2,600 children have been treated for respiratory issues at local hospitals. The areas that are suffering from these storms have also been experiencing unusually low temperatures. However, meteorologists say that rain should be coming soon and that the conditions will subside.

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