Friday, December 6, 2019

Extreme weather could wipe out food crops

According to research, there will soon be a lack of crops such as wild rice, lentils, potatoes and carrots due to the severity of the weather.That is bad news not only for us humans who have those crops in our everyday diet but more importantly, these are the crops that many wild animals depend on to survive.These wild crops are crucial in the effort to make the world food system more resilient to climate change meaning to global warming for example. The scientists are trying to preserve the seeds from every crop in order to save them for upcoming weather disasters however they are getting a decreased amount of seeds from the crops mentioned above.They keep these seeds in the worlds largest seed vault which consists of 983,500 seed samples.However, despite the impressive numbers of seeds that they have preserved, the scientists claim that with the population increasing so fast, it will be extremely difficult to keep up the seed production to meet the needs of constantly increasing population.
The picture above represents the seed vault
Although we are fine on supply now, the study suggests that in a few years, some crops will become much more scarce because of the climate change and that will not only affect human life but wild life as well.

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