Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Global warming brews weird weather


According to this article, human influence on extreme heat and rain events is growing. Climate change caused by human activities currently drives 75% of daily heat extremes and 18% of heavy rain or snowfall events, the team found — warning that further global warming will sharply increase the risks of such weather. The researchers looked at 'moderate' extremes, which they defined as events expected to occur on 1 in every 1,000 days under present conditions.

As we've learned, the higher the temperature, the greater the influence it has on our weather. The article states that "the probability of a daily heat extreme in a world with 2 °C of warming is twice as high as that in a 1.5 °C world, and 5 times that under present conditions." A number which we have been hearing a lot about lately..and a bad number at that. The risk of heat-related deaths is much greater now that is has been in years past and we are warned to learn about the risks and prepare for something that is pretty much inevitable: extreme heat.

-Therese Latimer

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