Sunday, April 28, 2013

Icy weather

As we all know, global warming morphed into climate change to give fewer hostages to fortune, but now all but the most die-hard apocalypse fans know the climate isn’t warming.
Oddly enough we have been told many times that climate is not weather. However, over the past few years the climate is not weather message seems to have been dropped and it isn’t difficult to see why.
The reason for the change in emphasis is reasonably well known but worth reiterating. Suppose we imagine the world divided up into 200 countries and further imagine 5 weather metrics for each country.
  1. Max temperature.
  2. Min temperature.
  3. Snowfall.
  4. Rainfall.
  5. Drought periods.
So if each of those 200 countries records 5 weather metrics, then assuming normal distribution, a 100-year record in at least one metric in one country will be broken 10 times a year.
200 x 5 = 1000 total metrics.
1000/100 = 10 hundred year records broken each year.
There are far more metrics than this of course and the distribution won’t be a normal distribution, but however artificial they are, the numbers highlight why record-breaking weather is bound to be a popular way to scare people about climate change. 
It’s all there is left.

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