Monday, December 10, 2018

global waming and marine life

Marine life is a very essential part of the earth ecosystem and also given that over 70 percent of the earth is covered in the water there will be huge impacts on the earth oceans. A lot of sea organisms are sensitive to changes in temperature in the water and could take a huge hit if the water was increasingly getting hotter. Since a lot of what is contributing to global warming is carbon dioxide the waters are also becoming increasingly acidic. This acidity slowly erodes coral reefs which a lot of different species really on for survival and a majority of those organisms would not be able to adapt and survive without the coral reefs.  A lot of economies rely on the fishing industry and if things like overfishing and global warming making it increasingly difficult for the fish to survive and thrive it could be a lot of people out of business and into poverty.

"Critical coastal ecosystems such as wetlands, estuaries, and coral reefs are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Such ecosystems are among the most biologically productive environments in the world. Their existence at the interface between the terrestrial and marine environment exposes them to a wide variety of human and natural stressors. The added burden of climate change may further degrade these valuable ecosystems, threatening their ecological sustainability and the flow of goods and services they provide to human populations."

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