Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The planet just had its hottest 4 years in recorded history. Trump is dismantling efforts to fight climate change.

The planet just had its hottest 4 years in recorded history. Trump is dismantling efforts to fight climate change


The year was the second-hottest in recorded history, NASA said, while scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported 2017 was the third-warmest they have ever recorded.

The renewed evidence of climate change, driven by human emissions of greenhouse gases, comes as the Trump administration moves to open new areas for oil drilling and rolls back regulations that sought to reduce global warming, most prominently by moving to repeal the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan. The administration said it would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement last year.

I don't understand how people can refuse the evidence of climate change. It is right here in front of our faces and it's scary. It'll only get scarier if we don't do anything to slow down the warming of our plant. 

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