Saturday, December 9, 2017

2017 storm rescues

First responders, police officers and firefighters rescued many civilians from floodwaters during hurricanes Irma, Harvey and Maria. In the Florida Keys, 25 percent of all homes were destroyed and 65 percent sustained major damage during Irma. And tens of thousands of homes in Houston were either damaged or destroyed in the wake of Harvey, as well. 
But as these civilians needed a hand, rescuers and neighbors stepped up. Thomas Luna and Hugo Elizonda rescued Bobby Nelson, 78, on their fishing boat from his flooded home in Houston. And people connected on social media and launched boats and kayaks to help other struggling neighbors. 
These storms caused massive devastation, but at least we can find solace in the humanity that resulted. These stories serve as a reminder that regardless of race, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, we are all human beings and we're all in this together.

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