Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Has the Temperature in Chicago Ever Remained the Same for an Entire Day?

As surprising as it may be to hear, the windy city has actually been able to remain steady for an entire day. Not politically though, but that is not the part that would surprise anyone.

Chicago weather records date back to 1871, and in the 148 years of climate records, only one day out of the 54,000 logged shows a steady temperature. A Chicago weather historian by the name of Frank Wachowski states that on February 6, 1942, the high and low were both 35 degrees for a total span of 30 hours. This lasted from 9 p.m. February 5 to 3 a.m. February 7, 1942.

This was a cloudy and rainy period with strong winds coming in from the northeast. The rainfall totaled 1.98 inches and there was not a single trace of snow. Tom Skilling mentions that this was an incredibly rare event, especially since Chicago has weather that is almost always in flux and temperatures infrequently remain steady for more than a few hours.

Original Post by Tom Skilling found here: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/weather/ct-wea-asktom-1203-20171201-column.html

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