Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Lightning Triggers Nuclear Reactions in the Atmosphere

In February, a thunderstorm caused a lightning streak over Japan that revealed that storms can trigger nuclear reactions within our atmosphere. The streak generated positrons--antimatter equivalents to electrons--and radioactive carbon-14 within the sky.

Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope that is made up of two or more neutrons than regular carbon. Cosmic rays are traditionally considered the isotope's main source, but lightning could also be contributing to its supply. Though, it is not completely clear how much carbon-14 is produced this way, partly because it is possible that not all lightning bolts have the power to trigger nuclear reactions.

Immediately after the strike, a large spike in gamma rays was picked up by four detectors in Kashiwazaki, Niigata. Scientists determined that there were three distinct bursts of the rays, with the first one lasting less than a millisecond. The second was just an afterglow that lasted a dozen of milliseconds, and the last one was a longer emission that lasted longer than a minute.

The lightning triggere the first gamma-ray burst, the second was caused by the strike reacting with nitrogen within earth's atmosphere, and the third came from the now neutron-deficient and unstable nitrogen atoms breaking down. This process caused a release of positrons that collided with electrons.

Enoto, a researcher stated "We have this idea that antimatter is something that only exists in science fiction,” said Enoto. “Who knew that it could be passing right above our heads on a stormy day?"

Original article by Ada Carr found here:

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