Monday, January 20, 2014

U.S Cities Prepare for Climate Change

"Maybe we'll never get up the political gumption to make everybody move" from flood- and fire-prone areas, he said at a forum last week hosted by the World Resources Institute and the Union of Concerned Scientists. "But we should sure as heck stop encouraging people to increase development in those locations. The feds keep doing it."
Parts of the United States are struggling with flooding and uncontrollable fires. This is because some parts of the U.S are below sea level, leaving them vulnerable to such disasters. Some of these regions are begging for disaster relief but are not getting it due to the runaround with government agencies. For example, in Colorado a road buckled from a mudslide and almost 3 dozen federal agencies were involved in the repair and each one had their own opinion if the road could be fixed or not. 

"The first thing the feds should do is stop making things worse," said Boulder, Colo., Mayor Matthew Appelbaum. Specifically, by subsidizing flood insurance in low-lying areas and paying billions to fight wildfires that destroy property near national forests, the federal government is encouraging development "in all the wrong places," Appelbaum said at a recent forum on the impacts of climate change.

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