Saturday, September 7, 2019

Dorian to strengthen through Labor Day weekend, make US landfall as major hurricane

While Dorian slowly grew in size, becoming a Category 2 storm late Thursday over the warm waters of the Atlantic, interests in the Bahamas and U.S. continued to intensify preparations ahead of the storm's expected landfall as a major hurricane as forecasters warned of potentially devastating winds, storm surge and heavy rain. The National Hurricane Center said during its 8 a.m. Friday advisory that Dorian's maximum sustained winds increased to 110 mph. As Dorian, the second hurricane of the Atlantic season, tracks north of the Bahamas later this week, it is expected to reach Category 4 hurricane strength before approaching the southeastern United States coast. "With Dorian forecast to pass over the extremely warm water of the Gulf Stream, where cooled, up welled water is rapidly replaced by more warm water, you have to be concerned that a Category 5 storm is on the table before reaching the U.S. coast," Sosnowski said. The International Space Station flew over Dorian on Thursday afternoon and caught video of the storm as it swirled northwest of Puerto Rico. AccuWeather meteorologists are forecasting Dorian to intensify into a major hurricane before making landfall as a Category 4 hurricane.


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