Sunday, December 6, 2015

Climate Change, Tax Pledge Among Issues to Watch for 2016 (POLL)

PHOTO: Climate change is among the issues to watch in 2016. 
Overall, Americans by 59-31 percent say they want the next president to be someone who favors government action to address climate change, and 58 percent call it an important issue. Again there’s a sharp difference in importance depending on one’s position: Among those who favor federal action, 68 percent call it an important issue. Among those who oppose action, far fewer say it’s important to them, 39 percent.
On a third issue to emerge as potentiallyTwo issue positions show potential to carry unexpected clout in the 2016 presidential election-- support for action to address climate change and opposition to a no-tax pledge, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds.
Openness to political compromise also has the support, and the priority, to carry weight in the national conversation that lies ahead.
All three emerge from an approach that combines public preferences on these and other issues with the level of importance Americans ascribe to them. They’re combined in a PxP score -- preference times priority -- assessing the interplay of these two factors in political attitudes.
The poll, produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates, finds that opposing a no-tax pledge has the broadest base: Seventy-two percent of Americans hold this view, including big majorities across party lines. Only about half in this group overall call the issue an important one, but their views on it are so lopsided that it wins a high score, nonetheless.
Supporters of a tax pledge, by contrast, are much more likely to call it an important issue -- but there are few of them. influential, Americans by 58-37 percent say they’d rather have a president who mainly tries to compromise than one who mainly stands up for his or her side, and 72 percent overall say it’s important to them. Both those who favor compromise and those who prefer a more partisan approach say it’s an important issue, with preference for taking partisan sides, and calling this important, peaking among Republicans.
Other issues are contentious, but with no clear advantage in preference or priority for one side or the other. Obamacare is an example. Americans divide 49-45 percent on whether the next president should be someone who wants to keep the federal health care law or wants to repeal it, and those on both sides call the issue highly important. The partisan divisions are vast.

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