Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Gordon Should Have Retired 24 Years Ago

According to an article on The Weather Channel, the name Gordon, should not be used for the upcoming tropical storm that is set to hit the Gulf Coast this week. The World Meteorological Organization which is responsible for naming storms, repeats its list about every six years. The only time that a name on the list is retired and not used for any future storms is when a storm with a given name ends up being extremely catastrophic. According to the article, in 1994 there was also a tropical storm that was given the name Gordon. That storm in particular hit Haiti and caused terrible flooding which resulted in the death of over 1,000 people.

The only reason why Gordon was not retired from the list of names for storms was because none of the countries that were affected by the extreme weather submitted a formal request to have the name permanently retired. There have been other storms in recent years that should have not received certain names. The article also mentions Alberto, which also resulted in terrible flooding and the death of 30 people has also been reused in recent years. It would be interesting to see how often this continues to occur as time goes on.


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