Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Ball Lightning

Ball Lightning is a weird and interesting weather phenomena that happens very rarely. It usually happens during thunderstorms and it lasts for about a second, this is a long time of exposure for a lightning bolt. Ball lightning appears as a big flash of light that is circular, sometimes it has a blue glow and can still come off of things like lightning rods. It ranges in size and can be any color.

Scientists believe that when lightning hits something, it blasts a cloud of highly energized nanoparticles into the air. When the nanoparticles wear down, they emit a ball of light. This is just a popular theory, though, as scientists are still trying to learn more. Another theory is that when organic matter decays, like in marshes or wetlands, it releases methane and other gases that spontaneously catch fire after encountering oxygen in the air.



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