Monday, September 19, 2016

'Ghost Forests' Appear as Rising Sea Levels Kill Trees

Bare trunks of dead coastal forests are being discovered up and down the mid-Atlantic coastline, killed by the advance of rising seas. The "ghost forests," as scientists call them,  offer eerie evidence of some of the world's fastest rates of sea level rise. Forests provide habitat and protect against global warming, but they're declining worldwide because of land clearing, fires, disease and invasive species. The ghost forests show sea level rise can be yet another cause of deforestation.
Seas are rising worldwide because of the warming effects of greenhouse gas pollution from fossil fuels and farms. Several feet of sea level is projected this century as the pace of climate change accelerates. That rise will inundate infrastructure, homes and ecosystems. Efforts to switch to clean energy, protect forests and revamp farming and transportation could curb the inundations ahead.

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